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  • Applemax Gold 120mL (Abbey Animal Health)
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Abbey Animal Health

Abbey Animal Health Applemax Gold 120mL

Regular price
$89.90 AUD
Regular price
Sale price
$89.90 AUD

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Ingredients/ Construction:

75mg/mL Praziquantel 10mg/mL Ivermectin

Features & Benefits:

Targeted dosing Apple flavoured 120mL bottle treats 10 x 600kg horses Safe to use in all horses Dosing syringe included One low-volume dose is effective against important internal parasites, including tapeworms and the arterial stages of Strongylus vulgaris and bots.

Directions/Instructions for use:

APPLEMAX™ GOLD LIQUID WORMER (Ivermectin & Praziquantel) liquid has been formulated for administration by oral drench or stomach tube (nasogastric intubation). All horses should be included in a regular parasite control program with particular attention being paid to mares, foals, and yearlings.

Foals should be treated initially at 6 to 8 weeks of age, and routine treatment repeated as appropriate for the individual property. Frequency of treatment should be assessed by each property’s veterinary adviser considering the number of horses, their age distribution, reproductive status, stocking rate, grazing access, climate and the property’s parasite infestation status.

Dosage/Treatment: The recommended dose is 1mL per 50kg live weight.